What can "children's participation in the educational process" mean?»; >> 

Why is children’s participation in the educational process necessary? >>

General strategies to enhance children's participation in education >>

What does active listening mean and how we can encourage it in kindergarten (video) >>

Play and children’s participation >> 

Organizing activities based on children’s participation >> 

Dialogue and children’s participation >> 

Differentiated learning and children’s participation >> 

The participation of children in the assessment of their learning >> 

Participatory planning of educational work >> 

References, sources, links and other supplementary material >>


Άδεια Creative Commons
The educational material for teachers and parents has been produced within the program titled “Opportunities for highlighting children’s voice, interaction and participatory decision making in education” and acronym VOICE: Voicing children Opportunities Interaction Collective decision-making Education, having Aristotle University of Thessaloniki as the scientific body and Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation as the funding body is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike 4.0 International.

You can cite it as:
VOICE Program - Educational material